6 Benefits of Living by Your Own Rules
From childhood on, we are taught to fit in. We do what’s expected. We learn to be responsible, and we stop taking chances. After a while, this can feel a little boring. Worse, we start wondering who we are, what it is all about, and what our purpose is.
It’s time to take back control. It’s time to live by your own rules.
You’ll Like YOU Better
It’s hard to have a lot of self-respect when you are always compromising who you are. When you stick to your belief system and act in ways that are authentic to yourself, you will find you like yourself a whole lot more.
Others Will Like You Better
You are not the only one who’s going to notice the change. When you stop wearing masks and trust others with who you are, people really appreciate it and like you even more. This kind of honesty also gives them the space to be vulnerable and this is hard to find. So, they will like and respect you even more when you are yourself.
You Bounce Back
If you fail, or don’t succeed it is up to you to do something about it. Accept whatever lessons the experience(s) have taught you and move on. Don’t get caught up in your or others’ stories of why it did not work. When you lose by your own rules, it really does not matter what anyone else thinks.
Deepening Personal Connections
When you’re always showing the other person your best self, they never get to know the true you, the real you, the you that does not have all the answers. Relationships grow and develop where there is closeness and this comes from being honest.
Rediscover Passion
When you’re always doing what everyone else wants, it is hard to feel fulfilled in whatever you do. When you set your own goals and aim to reach your dreams, you will find life much more rewarding, more adventurous and more exciting. You can never be pleased or happy if you are not excited about what you are doing.
You Don’t Miss Out
Don’t you just hate regrets or even the thought of regret? When you look back on your life, what would you most like to see? Do you want to be able to say, “I did what everyone expected me to do.” or “I lived the life I always dreamed of.”
You will find that there are still times when you need to live by someone else’s rules. But generally, these are rules that keep you safe such as driving according to the speed limit. But, I have a sneaky suspicion that you will be a whole lot more content and much happier when you live life on your terms when you are calling the shots. Be yourself. Do your own thing. Embrace life the way you have always wanted to.